How does a Tankless Water Heater Work?

What if we told you there was a way to save up to 40% on your hot water bills? It may sound like a lot, but that kind of improvement is certainly possible with the use of a tankless water heater. 
In short, a tankless water heater differs from a standard water heater in that water is heated as it flows through the device, not in a large tank, as in a normal water heater.
How a Standard Water Heater Works
A typical home-installed water heater works simply – cold water enters the tank, it’s heated, and then stored until needed. This is the most common type of water heater found in a standard Thousand Oaks home, but there are some variations that you might find.
A normal water heater may be electric or gas, but neither change the general design much – they both heat the water in the tank until it’s ready to be used. 
Because of the simplicity of this design, it’s commonly used and easily understood. We’ve provided some useful tips about important water heater maintenance before, but let’s talk about why a tankless water heater is different and how it saves you money. 
How and why a Tankless Water Heater Saves You Money
The largest benefits to using a tankless water heater are endless hot water and lower energy bills.
Beyond that, tankless water heaters also save space, last longer, and are better for the environment – but how do they work?
Tankless water heaters do not have a large storage area for water, instead water is heated as it is needed throughout the house. You turn a tap on, cold water travels through the heater and is heated before being used at the faucet or output. Because the heater doesn’t need to heat a large amount of water, energy use is more efficient.
One downside to an the improved system is the difficulty of install, not all homes are in a position to use a tankless water heater – as such, installation prices may be higher then their tanked counter parts. 

Is a tankless water heater right for you?

Here are some things to consider before making the decision to go tankless: 

  • Demand: Do you want a unit to heat water in one bathroom or the entire house?
  • Type: Consider the requirements. An electric model will need the proper voltage, amperage and circuit breaker. Gas-fired models need to be vented.
  • Location: They must be within roughly 50 feet from a power source, and can be mounted on an interior or exterior wall.
  • Life expectancy: Most last more than 20 years — about twice the lifespan of storage water heaters.
  • Installation: Hire a highly rated plumber or heating and A/C contractor to install it. Often, the installation is included when you purchase a unit from a dealer.

We would be more than happy to weigh these options with you to determine of a Tankless Water Heater is the right choice for your home. Please contact us if you have any questions. 

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